Core Content

Venus ISD will adopt and utilize High-Quality Instructional Materials aligned to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills that meet the criteria established by the Texas Education Agency for all core content courses in grades Kindergarten through 12.


Students in PreKindergarten will receive instruction that aligns to the Texas PreKindergarten Guidelines. Teachers develop curriculum and instruction in Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies that provides a strong academic foundation for kindergarten while allowing children to develop socially, physically, mentally, and emotionally in order to be ready for kindergarten.

Fine Arts

Venus ISD develops curriculum and instruction in the Fine Arts for students in PreK through 12th grade. In PreK through 5th grades, students engage in enrichment activities in Music and Art classes. In 6th through 12th grades, students may select from a variety of Fine Arts elective courses. All Fine Arts curriculum aligns to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for the appropriate grade level or course.


Venus ISD offers courses in Technology to all students in PreK through 5th grades. In 6th through 12th grades, students may select Technology electives that further develop their skills and creativity using and designing a variety of digital tools.

Career and Technical Education

Venus ISD proudly offers a wide variety of Career and Technical Education courses. Our CTE programs provide a sequence of courses delivering coherent and rigorous content, aligned with challenging academic standards and the pertinent technical expertise essential for students to thrive in further education and careers across current or emerging professions. You can find more information about each program of study here.

Languages Other than English

Students are required to take two years of Spanish as a graduation requirement. Students may receive course credit by examination. Email Krystal Camacho,, with questions regarding credit by examination.